EIM Blog

Building the Ideal Team for CRT Evaluations

Building the Ideal Team for CRT Evaluations

The reality is that teamwork is a concept we are introduced to as children and which continues to be an essential part of not only our personal lives, but also our professional careers. The world of complex rehabilitation technology (CRT) is no exception. When it comes to evaluating, recommending, and obtaining the proper seating system and wheeled mobility device for a client, it is vital and in some cases required that a multidisciplinary team approach be utilized.


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Mechanical vs. Electronic Switches - What are the primary differences?

Mechanical vs. Electronic Switches - What are the primary differences?

Switches can give clients with physical limitations the ability to control almost anything including communication devices, iPads, power wheelchairs, environmental control devices, and more. Having an understanding of the categories of switches will help you select the best switch or combination of switches for each individual client.


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1, 2, or 3: What's the Best Caster Housing Position for Me?

1, 2, or 3: What's the Best Caster Housing Position for Me?

Reflecting back on that conversation, I recalled one of the topics the young man was most intrigued by were the three caster housing positions available on the Quickie Q7 series of wheelchairs. In order to provide a thorough overview of the three positions, I asked veteran Sunrise Medical team member and Clinical Rehab Manager, Rob Agostino, to provide some insight.


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DISCLAIMER: FOR PROFESSIONAL USE ONLY. THIS WEBSITE (AND THE DOCUMENTS REFERENCED HEREIN) DO NOT PROVIDE MEDICAL ADVICE. Sunrise Medical (US) LLC (“Sunrise”) does not provide clinician services. The information contained on this website (and the documents referenced herein), including, but not limited to, the text, graphics, images, and descriptions, are for informational purposes only and should be utilized as a general resource for clinicians and suppliers to then use clinical reasoning skills to determine optimal seating and mobility solutions for individual patients. No material on this website (or any document referenced herein) is intended to be used as (or a substitute for) professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Never disregard your professional medical training when providing medical advice or treatment because of something you have read on this website (or any document referenced herein). Clinicians should review this (and any other materials) carefully and confirm information contained herein with other sources. Reliance on this website (and the information contained herein) is solely at your own risk.