Wheelchair Rugby in Photos

Wheelchair Rugby in Photos

On January 18, 2019, the All People's Life Center hosted the 2019 Tampa International Wheelchair Rugby Tournament. I attended this event for the second year in a row. Through the explosive booms of colliding wheelchairs, I had to navigate the interaction between myself, coworkers, customers, and representatives from different vendors. The action makes it easy to forget that you are representing a company, and that you aren't there to simply spectate.

Posted on 3/12/2019

Disabled Access Day 2019

Disabled Access Day 2019

Disabled Access Day, March 16th, is a day celebrated by places and spaces all over the UK and beyond. The day started in 2015 as a day to celebrate accessibility and to create opportunities for people to try new things in a fun and welcoming environment.

Posted on 3/5/2019

Why I Love Rolling Around Magic Kingdom as a Power Wheelchair User

Why I Love Rolling Around Magic Kingdom as a Power Wheelchair User

Walt Disney World is one of my favorite places on the planet, and more specifically I really love Magic Kingdom. Sure, it is the more kid-friendly of the four theme parks at Walt Disney World, but it's also the most accessible in my opinion.

Posted on 2/26/2019

Language and Equality for People with Disabilities

Language and Equality for People with Disabilities

The words we use in everyday conversation have the undeniable ability to either empower or oppress others. If we use positive words to describe people, we can help to foster their sense of pride, identity, and purpose. But if we use derogatory words, like ableist slurs, we can cause the opposite effect even if we do not mean to.

Posted on 2/19/2019

Double Blind Secret Date

Double Blind Secret Date

"Meg..." Ally said as she rolled into my room. "So, I set us up on a blind date tonight..."

I could tell by the look on her face that there was more to the story. "Annnd?" I asked. Her smirk grew into the biggest smile and she almost shouted in excitement, "I didn't tell them we are in wheelchairs!" she said as she clapped her hands and laughed.

Posted on 2/12/2019

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Latest Comments

4/16/2024 | José Díaz
Invaluable resource! ¡Tu guía sobre el uso de GoFundMe para gastos de movilidad ofrece consejos p...

2/18/2024 | Jamie Elliott
I played in a wc hybrid tournament, Mid South, last yr. He is an amazing player and I’m sure he i...

2/8/2024 | Elaine Cook
Great article written by a wonderful Christain man. You're such an inspiration!!!

2/7/2024 | Diana Weaver
I enjoyed reading your article. I'm thankful I had the opportunity to play with you as my pi...

1/10/2024 | Mary Goldberg
Thanks to Tyler for sharing the awesome opportunities! As the MRT Program Director, I'm always ha...

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